Yachtmaster Coastal
Yachtmaster Coastal
- Course Objective:Prepare sailors to skipper a vessel up to 60NM in moderate sea and by night
- Pre Course Experience: Bareboat Skipper license or equivalent
- Assume Knowledge:800NM at sea with some night experience and a good command of a sail boat. VHF license
- Duration: 6 days at sea
What will I learn?
- Passage Planning, including route selection, alternate routes, safe anchoring
- Boat preparation, including checking equipment, spare gear, water and food organisation
- Piloting
- Night sailing, including night watch keeping routines
- Mooring under sail
- Navigation without GPS
Once you have completed the course, you can pass the practical examination with a IYT appointed independent examiner. This is a one day event. If successful, you will be awarded the IYT Yachtmaster Coastal certificate.
What's next?
With this certificate, you can charter a boat anywhere in the world and skipper a boat day and night up to 60NM. If you are tempted to go further you can consider becoming an IYT Offshore Yachtmaster
- 課程目標:訓練船員勝任在沿岸60海哩範圍內擔任船長帶領船隻日夜航行的能力
- 課前經驗:光船船長執照或同等證照
- 應備知識:至少800海哩巡航經驗, 包括夜航,而且具備操作帆船航行的充份能力,擁有VHF超高頻無線電執照
- 課程期間:6天海洋實習
- 航路規劃,包括路線選擇、備用路線、安全錨泊規劃等
- 船隻準備,包括設備檢查、備用器具、食物與水供給等
- 領航規劃
- 夜航,包括夜間守望排班
- 以帆操作船隻完成繫繩泊
- 禁用GPS的導航法
取得沿岸進階船長之中後,你可以在世界各地以船長身份租用帆船不限日夜在離岸60海哩範圍內航行。如果你想要更進一步航行更遠,可以考慮離岸進階船長課程( IYT Offshore Yachtmaster.)